What is this?

This is:

A Website That’s Kindof a Blog and Sharing Space and Garden and Also a Strange Digital Fungal Growth Site

A Collective Macrodefinition of “Shelter”

Hand Coded and Assembled With Love By


The Goal (I Think)

Maybe to make a website and design project that feels a little less lonely—to create a broader, more complex, organic, and flexible collective definition of shelter while also creating a meta-shelter within the site itself...

How To Submit

To submit content you can send an email to basilgrowingoutside@gmail.com or go to this submission form. If submitting through email, please make sure to specify the name/link/handle you would like to be credited for the submission (or if you'd prefer to stay anonymous that's fine).

How does it work?

I take your submission, check it for any major issues, and manually "plant" it within the Fairy Ring. Since I'm doing this all by hand, it might take a little while for your submission to appear, but I promise I'll get to it! :)

Special Thanks To:




All my incredible classmates and peers <3